
TW - Tradeweb Markets Inc.

Top Financial Signal for 03-10-2024
Top Financial Stock Signal: TW

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Stock Signal Information


Top Financial Stock Signal: TW
Report Date: 03-10-2024
Symbol: TW - Tradeweb Markets Inc.
Top Financial Stock Signal: TW

  TW Technical Analysis

Company Contact

Tradeweb Markets Inc. (TW)
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York City, NEW YORK 10036
Phone: 16464306000
Website: https://www.tradeweb.com
CEO: Mr. Lee Olesky

TW, Tradeweb Markets Inc.

TW Tradeweb Markets Inc. Logo Image

NASDAQ, Nasdaq Global Select

Company Profile

Tradeweb Markets Inc. builds and operates electronic marketplaces in the United States, Europe, Asia, and internationally. The company's marketplaces facilitate trading in a range of asset classes, including rates, credit, money markets, and equities. It offers pre-trade data and analytics, trade execution, and trade processing, as well as post-trade data, analytics, and reporting services. The company provides flexible order and trading systems to institutional investors in 40 markets across 25 currencies. It also offers a range of electronic, voice, and hybrid platforms to approximately 300 dealers and financial institutions on electronic or hybrid markets with Dealerweb platform; and trading solutions for financial advisory companies and traders with Tradeweb Direct platform. The company serves a network of approximately 2,500 clients in the institutional, wholesale, and retail client sectors. Its customers include asset managers, hedge funds, insurance companies, central banks, banks and dealers, proprietary trading firms, retail brokerage and financial advisory firms, and regional dealers. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in New York, New York. Tradeweb Markets Inc. is a subsidiary of BCP York Holdings.